
Making Progress!

As you may, or may not know, Saturday we moved into the new house that we are leasing! It really wasn't all that fun, but moving isn't supposed to be fun is it? It's fun to be in a new place, once everything is unpacked and put away! We are really working on that part, and we're slowly but surely making progress! Especially because we kind of have a time limit. Tanner's little brother and sister are coming here to sleepover next weekend, and the weekend after that we're going out of town. Separately. To two different locations. But that's a story for another day.
Our first priority, well after putting our bed back together of course, was getting all of the boxes out of the guest room, and the office. And let me tell you, it wasn't easy. Boxes and plastic tubs were EVERYWHERE. But somehow we did it.

Well almost. Obviously the office hasn't been completely cleared out, but we did manage to make enough progress to set the computer up, and put most things away. 
(And don't you just love how The Husband plays along when I want to take a picture? I think he's used to it now!)

And I got everything put away into my book shelf, that helped me feel a little less crowded in the office :P

I spray painted name tag stickers with chalkboard paint and then wrote with a paint pen so I knew what was inside the plastic containers without having to open them and look inside. 

And the guest room... well, it's all cleared out. It's kind of sad looking isn't it? We're working on it. But it was most important to get their beds set up and taken care of, so they'd have somewhere to sleep.

This is the bedding we got his little sister, and I am obsessed. If the husband didn't think it was too "girly" I might have gotten some for myself. I just love the colors and the leaves!

I also made some moving announcments! They were really simple! I found them here. I just had to print them out, and glue them onto cardboard. I just used a box we used to move with! And of course, that's not our real address, and you need a stamp, but other than that, I can just put them in the mail and send them like a postcard! :) 
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week so far. 
It's almost the weekend, yay! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Once again, you amaze me by your craftiness & creativity Tyler! What a great idea to use chalkboard paint on stickers, and that bedding is super cute! Ok, last AND. And, now I want to make "we're back in the states!" announcements to send friends :)
