
Here Comes the Baby

Emi Jean
Born November 26th at 11:50 pm.
8 lbs. 3 oz. 
20 3/4 inches long. 
Last week my older sister brought this beautiful little girl into the world.
My sister and her Husband live in Seattle, and I don't know when we'll make it up there to meet this precious little one, but soon hopefully. 
I've always really admired my older sister, and I am so happy for her and my brother-in-law! I know they will be amazing parents in every single way. So congratulations you two, and thanks for bringing this wonderful bundle of joy into the world :) 
I cannot wait to see her grow up and spoil her with gifts, ALL.the.time. 
Sunday night we even got this little photo of Emi wearing 
what we bought her and sent the day she was born :)
Oh , those eyes..and that little nose... She's just too cute :) 

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