
I Need to Brag a Little Bit..

Yesterday The Husband got some big news! 

He was promoted to a new department at work :) I am so beyond proud of him! 
He has worked so hard, and been through so many ups and downs to get this far. 
He definitely deserves this new job :) 

I have the most amazing husband, and I love him more and more every day :)

We've been together two and a half years now, 
we've grown together, and become one unit while still being our own person.
We've laughed together, we've cried together.

We've been through crazy ups and downs the past few years,
but we made it to now.
And we'll make it forever and a day.

I love you Husband. Thanks for everything you do! 


The Husband's First Baseball Game!

My dad and I got to take The Husband to his first Major League Baseball regular season game :) 
I love baseball games, and I'm happy he got to be a part of it.
We had amazing seats because my Dad's really good friend gives us tickets from time to time.
How lucky are we?! 
We also got to bring my Dad's friend Scott with us, the four of us had a blast! 

There were fireworks after the game, but we left.
As we were driving away though, we could see them out the window :)
(I'm just lucky I didn't drop my phone...)


30 before 30: Cross off #16

#16: Buy a New Car

I know I've posted a lot about our new car,
so I'll keep it short and sweet. ;) 

We got a new Jetta this weekend,
and we absolutely love it! 
It's beautiful :)
and it even locks itself after about 30 seconds if you aren't touching it,
which is pretty cool haha.

In a few weeks we leave for California, which we could never do in our old car!

I even have an emergency kit in the trunk!

If you could buy a new car, (without price as a factor) what would you get? 


Wonderful Weekend!

I've been playing with my nails lately.. :P

The Husband signing paperwork for our new car :) 

umm.. yes, we celebrated with Fortune Cookies haha. I have a small obsession :)

Learning all about our new car with the salesman :) 

Finally got our car home :) 

love you hubbs.

Tball game! It was FREEZING. 

Baseball season is back! Going to the fist game with Dad and the Husband on Friday night,
so of course I needed a new shirt!

Shopping.. :) What a good Husband! ;) 

Yummy Dinner :)

A special thank you to Tanner's Dad and Stepmom, for making our car ownership possible!
It was great to spend the weekend with you guys, and we miss you already! Come back to Arizona soon :) 


Disney on Ice!

One of the best thing about the company the Husband works for,
is they have a suite at U.S. Airways Arena!
So we've been lucky enough to go to Basketball games, Arena football games, and
the Backstreet Boys/New Kids on the Block concert.
Last night we got to go to Disney on Ice!

We got three tickets so we took Tanner's little sister, Kayla, with us.
It was so much fun :) 

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were the hosts, 
and acts included:
Goofy, Donald the chipmunks
Characters from Aladdin, Finding Nemo, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella,
Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Snow White, Toy Story,
Lilo and Stitch, Pinocchio, Mulan, The Incredibles, and the Lion King. 

The show ended with all the characters skating to the "Circle of Life"
it was a great show and we all loved it.

If it's coming to a city near you, I highly recommend it. 
You're never too old for Disney!