
Gilmore Girls

Theme: Gilmore Girls
For my birthday this year, the Husband got me the complete series of Gilmore Girls. 
Yes, I am a very lucky girl :) So while finishing up my last week of homework for my summer class, that's what I've been watching. So I thought it was a fitting theme for this week! 

{All images from here}

I could go on and on.. 7 whole seasons. I love this show so much, it never gets old! Hopefully when The Husband's little sister gets a little bit older, I can introduce her to this show :) It will always be one of my top favorite shows, and maybe I'll even force my kids to watch it, even though they'll be boys... But even guys like this show because it's just awesome! :) 

What are your top favorite shows? Does Gilmore Girls make your list?
 I hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. Rory and Lorelei have the greatest witty banter. I haven't seen that show in FOREVER, though!

  2. This show and M*A*S*H* had the best dialogue ever. But GG had better music.

  3. I love Gilmore Girls too! and Grey's Anatomy, have not watched the latest season though.. :)

  4. I watched a little bit of gilmore girls and loved it, I don't know where I stopped or why I did. They are so beautiful, arent they???


  5. i was never a huge gilmore girls fan but now i feel like i should be. all of these are just too perfect!
    xo TJ

  6. Never watched it. I think maybe I saw one show, because the girls look familiar. Lol. Maybe we will have to get together and have a GG marathon with some pizza ;)

  7. OH MY! I love love love The Gilmores!! Its one of those shows that define my childhood. My Mum and I would have friday night dinners at my Nanas house and have to rush back to ours to get our Gilmore fix! My Nana refuses to watch the show because Mum and I are so similar to Lor and Rory! Its a little weird. And I used to get so offended when she'd say I was like Rory but now I think being called Rory is such a compliment :P haha
    -Britney of Lemonwood and Honey
