
Caribbean Cruise: Miami

As most of you know, last week we were on a cruise. Here are some of the pictures from the day we embarked! It wasn't my first cruise, but it was T's, and our first one together :)


  1. Looks like it was fun! :) I am too scared of being stuck on a boat.

  2. I love cruising...I've been in 9 cruises so far and are my favorite vacations!!!!In 10 days I'll be in Miami for my 10th cruise...more than 9 hours fligh but....I'll love it for sure...and the 8 days aborad the paradise....woooohoooo!

  3. Cruises are the best. My last cruise was to Alaska for my honeymoon and it was the coolest trip ever. Hope you had a great vacation!

  4. I looooove cruises! We went on one almost 2 years ago, and I've been itching to go on another! Can't wait to see more!

  5. soooo jealous! I'm itching to take a cruise! hopefully next summer we will!

  6. I've never been on a cruise! Not sure how I'd do being stuck on a ship for so long! haha Looks beautiful though! A vacation sounds so nice right about now!
