
"B" Date!

So you may or may not know, but we just got back from a Caribbean cruise vacation! :) During our cruise we did a lot of things, but two of our favorites, and "B" themed things, were bowling and bingo! Obviously doing these things on a cruise ship isn't super practical, but bowling is easy, cheap, and so fun! Even if you aren't the best at it, like me ;) And bingo is not just for old people, it can be a lot of fun. So if you have a casino near you, look into if they have bingo or not. If they do, most of the time they'll have a variety of different packages so you can decide how much you want to spend. 

Linking up with Wifessionals for Alphabet dating!

Click here for our "A" Date!


  1. So fun! I LOVE bingo and was just telling Ryan I wish we could find somewhere to play (:

  2. That looks so much fun! I wish I was better at bowling!

  3. ahhhh love it!!! I did a B date today tooo! yours was way more fun filled than mine! I wanna try bingo!

  4. I just went bowling with the kids I work with in the after school program and I realized how long it's been since we've gone. We are alternating the planning of alphabet dates, though, so I have "M" and I think we'll do Monte Carlo bowling! :)

  5. This is such a fun idea...one of these days I'll try to make up stuff for my husband and I to do-we're pretty limited though, since we live in the country and our nearest town only has 1,000 people. That's going to take some creativity!

  6. I love the pictures! Looks like you 2 had a lot of fun. I use to be in a bowling league before husband and baby. I have a giveaway going on for a $15 iTunes card. Not many entries so chances to win are high: http://aprichards.blogspot.com/2013/04/oreo-fudge.html
