
Can We Just Love and Respect Each Other?

I generally try to keep my blog pretty light-hearted, because my blog is my happy place. But I guess I just have a few things I need to say. Not really to anybody necessarily, just out loud, er on "paper".. And I am not going to share what brought on this little vent because, it's not my story to tell. And it's not the only reason, maybe just the straw that broke the camels back.

(I chose Meghan McCain's picture because I thought it helped to show that it's not a political issue, it's a civil rights issue. And it's something, Republican, Democrat, etc., No H8 is something we can all get behind)

You may or may not know this, but I grew up moving between Arizona and Utah my entire life. And most of the beliefs I was around growing up were that being gay is a choice, and marriage should be between and man and woman. And I am here to tell you, I don't feel that way, and I never have. Being gay is not a phase, it's not something you'll grow out of, and it's not a learned behavior. I'm sorry, but I honestly can't believe in the year 2012, people still think it's a choice and something that can be taught. I am also 100% for gay marriage, love is love. I really do think gay couples should have the same rights as everyone else does, people are people, and it really saddens me that some people believe they should somehow be on a lower level. We all deserve equal rights. I do know that a lot of people against gay marriage, aren't against gays and their rights, they just want marriage to stay between a man and woman, I understand that I really do.

But in a time where bullying and teenage suicides are at an all time high, I think it's important to point out, no matter what your beliefs, you shouldn't make someone feel ashamed to be who they are. You shouldn't turn your back or torment someone because they are gay. I just have a really hard time with people who are upset with someone for being gay, it really breaks my heart. We're all people you guys, and no matter what our beliefs are we need to treat each other with respect. 

"We must learn to live together as brothers, 
or perish together as fools" 
- Martin Luther King Jr.

NO H8... Just love :) 


  1. Great post! I agree with everything you said. It breaks my heart when I see people bashing others for just being who they are

  2. Thank you for sharing this. :) So glad to see someone with an open heart and an open mind.

  3. I love this and agree with everything you said! Supporting love should never be about political parties or be segregated in any other way. Great message! xoxo
