
Date Weekend & Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes!

The Husband and I usually run errands and such on weekends... This weekend though, we decided to just hang out at home and have a relaxing "date weekend". Our plan? Watch Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. I refer to them as the original, and the new one, because I always get them confused. So in true Gilmore Girls fashion, we stocked up junk food. Because "you can't watch Willy Wonka without massive amounts of junk food." - Gilmore Girls
I promise we did not eat all of that.. not even half... but we felt better thinking we were getting into the true spirit of the movies :P We also ordered pizza, and made another batch of hugs and pretzels to go along with the madness. Ummm... I think this is The Husband's "stop taking pictures of me" face... Sorry Husband :P 
Anyway, we made it through the original, but then we got tired... so we went to bed and finished the new one this morning :)  After that, we made cupcakes, and turned on football. As of now, we are still hanging out and watching football, because we love it THAT much :P It's been a pretty great weekend, just about spending time together, and those are the best weekends! Here are our cupcakes:

Makes 12 - 14 cupcakes
You will need:
- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1/4 cup assorted sprinkles for cupcakes, 
plus more for sprinkling on frosting
(I messed up and only put about half as many sprinkles 
in as I was supposed to... oops! Next time right? ) 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Line cupcake pan with liners
3. Combine flour and baking powder in a bowl. Set aside.
4. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, beat sugar and butter on medium-high speed for about 3 minutes.
5. Lower speed, and add eggs one at time. Scrape bowl as needed.
6. Add vanilla, and mix until everything is well combined.
7. Reduce mixer speed to low, and add half of the flour/baking powder mixture. Mix.
8. Pour in milk. Mix.
9. Add other half of flour/baking powder and mix until combined.
10. Fold in sprinkles with a spatula. 
I used an ice cream scoop, and my cupcakes were a little more full than 2/3.. But I was okay with that :P
Also, mine took all 18 minutes to bake, so make sure you bake until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

I used this recipe for my frosting. And those sprinkles.. well they're supposed to be dolphins. At least that's what the sprinkles pack said.. I'm going to just take their word for it ;)

(text only)
Items needed:
- 1 1/2 cups flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 stick (1/2 cup) butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
- 1/3 cup milk
- 1/4 cup assorted sprinkles for cupcakes, plus more for sprinkling on frosting

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Line cupcake pan with liners
3. Combine flour and baking powder in a bowl. Set aside.
4. Using a stand mixer or hand mixer, beat sugar and butter on medium-high speed for about 3 minutes.
5. Lower speed, and add eggs one at time. Scrape bowl as needed.
6. Add vanilla, and mix until everything is well combined.
7. Reduce mixer speed to low, and add half of the flour/baking powder mixture. Mix.
8. Pour in milk. Mix.
9. Add other half of flour/baking powder and mix until combined.
10. Fold in sprinkles with a spatula. 
11. Fill cupcake liners about 2/3 full
12. Bake 15-18 minutes
13. Let cool in pan for 5 minutes
14. Transfer to wire rack to cool
15. Frost cupcakes and top with sprinkles


  1. between your pretzels & cupcakes. I am seriously going to need to hit the gym after following your blog. I HAVE to try these recipies!
    they look WONDERFUL :)
    glad you guys had a good "date" weekend!!


  2. UHM - HELLO NEW BEST FRIEND! LOL, first of all that basket with the movies and the treats? My new go-to gift for just about everyone. Everyone I know is going to have that by the end of the year. Love it! And those cupcakes? DELICIOUS!

    Love it girl!

  3. You killed me with all the candies! I have a little (big) obsession with chocolate and cupcakes. And those cupcakes look really yummy!

    Ps: I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Visit my blog if you want to know more :)

  4. I definitely will have to try these out!! I love the look on your husbands face! It seems to tell all ha.

  5. I love baking and I'd definitely try this recipe!thank you for sharing!I'm a new follower here!hope you can drop by my blog as well! :)

    Meg http://confettiandfireworks.blogspot.com/

  6. I love baking and I'd definitely try this recipe!thank you for sharing!I'm a new follower here!hope you can drop by my blog as well! :)

    Meg http://confettiandfireworks.blogspot.com/

  7. Yum! Those look delicious! Love the dolphin-ish sprinkles. haha! I linked up with Lauren too.

  8. Ok, funfetti is my all time favorite cake flavor!!! And I've never even thought of making it myself!!! I'm SOOOO impressed!!!!

  9. oh my goodness, sounds and looks amazing. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I recently sat down with IwantHerJob.com and opened up about working for Lauren Conrad and some exciting TV possibilities. I'd love if you'd check it out. xo


  10. I love your blog!! So cute - those cupcakes look delicious!!

  11. how fun! I absolutely LOVE date nights like that...don't get me wrong, dressing up and going out is a lot of fun too, but there's just something special about staying in, lounging, pigging out, and snuggling with my hair put in a pony tail. ha. found your blog from lattes and love's sidebar! I'm new on her sidebar and went to check out what I looked like over there and your button is right above mine! woot woot! newest follower of yours and excited to read more posts from ya!
