
Super Bowl Series: Penalty Flag Center Piece

You will need: 
- 1/2 yard yellow fabric
-  Yellow mini hair rubber bands
- Rice (or anything else to weight it down)
- Mini rubber footballs
- Purple beads
- Basket
To make penalty flags:

And for those super football fans (or wives of those super football fans :p ):
These could also be used for a game! While we were making them, we were throwing them from the couch into the basket in the kitchen. This could be a good way to keep kids entertained.
Another game is, each person gets a flag and anytime they see a penalty during the game, they can throw the flag. Whoever gets the most right could get a gift card or something..
There really are so many possibilities with this! :)

Updated to add: I saw these penalty flags after I made these and  wrote my post.. $3 each! The 1/2 yard of fabric I got at Hobby Lobby, cost me around that much. And I was able to make at least 9, seriously DIY is the way to go on these! So easy to do yourself!