
A Few Thoughts...

"I want my first marriage to be my only marriage"

If you follow me on Pinterest, I'm sure you've noticed I have an addiction. It's usually it's pretty lighthearted, but I came across that quote yesterday, And honestly, it kind of irritated me.
Now, I'm sure I'm over thinking it, but it really struck a chord with me. 

I know there are a few people, who get married, knowing it's not right for them.
But I think most people who are getting married, aren't thinking about getting divorced down the road. 
Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in trying to work your marriage out.
And I do feel like now days, people are too quick to get a divorce because it's easier. 

With that being said, however, I don't think it's fair or right to look down on someone who got a divorce, or is getting remarried. I actually admire people who are strong enough to realize that by staying together,
they are doing more harm than good. It takes courage and strength and admit you aren't happy.
I can't even imagine how much that turns some one's world upside down. 

My parents divorced when I was really young. A lot of children want their parents back together, but I really never have. My parents don't go together. At all. 

So to those going through this, or will go through this, don't be ashamed for wanting more out of life.
Don't be ashamed for realizing what's best for you and moving on. And don't ever let anybody make you feel like you made a mistake, or that it makes your life any less meaningful. Only you know what really went on behind closed doors,and only you know what's best for you and your life. 

To anybody going through a hard breakup, separation, or divorce, I admire you. I really do. I am sending hugs your way. And things will get better! 


  1. my parents got divorced when i was really little too. this post is the perfect way to describe it. its a hard thing to have to go through for anybody.

  2. Great observation/writing!!! Divorce should not be an escape for temporary unhappiness. It is a very serious matter that does cause emotional scaring for everyone involved. With that said, for your readers out there, PROTECT your children from all of the verbal opinions that go on between the adults. No matter how ugly it may get, the children should not here negative comments about either parent. When your children are older and want to know why...then you can explain in more detail why the divorce was needed. Always remember the children involved and try to make the divorce as smooth as possible on them. Your children are FOREVER!! You have ONE chance at raising them.
    Keep up the great writing Tyler!!
