
Happy Birthday Dad!

Today is my Dad's Birthday!

Some pictures I came across on my last trip to Utah.

And Sunday is Father's Day.
So I figured I'd introduce him, and tell you a little about him.

1. He doesn't like to smile in pictures.

2. But every once in awhile, you'll catch him smiling.

3. We go to baseball games together.

4. He thinks he's funny. 
Like when we got back from Tennessee last year, 
and he came to pick us up at the airport. 

Or when he thinks he's a "gangster"

Or, when he's talking while I'm trying to take a picture.

5. The three of us have an amazing relationship.

6. He puts up with my weirdness.
And yes, I sleep with stuffed animals

7. He takes me to football games
He even buys season tickets every year. 

8. He's my best friend. 
Most kids go through phases of being embarrassed of their parents, I never went through that.
I've been through so many ups and downs in my life, and through it all I had my Dad. He is my rock.

Who I am today is because of him. I learned a lot from him, most of which was never told to me.
I just watched him, and learned from it. He taught me how to treat others with respect, and how to tip appropriately.  He taught me about sports. He made me drive on the freeway when I didn't want to,
and today I love road trips. I wouldn't have the confidence to do that without him pushing me.

I appreciate what he's done for me more than words could ever explain. I am so blessed to have the close relationship that I have with my dad. And I'm even more blessed to have a Husband and Dad who get along so well.

Dad, I love you with all my heart.
Happy Birthday.
And Happy Early Father's Day.
You are the best Daddy a girl could ever ask for. 


  1. This is so cute!

  2. aww what a fantastic dad :0) you both are adorable!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Dad.. it's such a sweet read, glad to know about your amazing relationship with your Daddy :) you are one lucky girl! ^^
