
Glitter Light-bulb Ornaments

I used: 
- Old Christmas lights
- Glitter
- Mod Podge 
(or Elmers glue would probably work too)
- Foam Paint Brushes
- Sealer
- Hemp Rope

Each "ornament" consists of two lights

So I was at Target a couple weeks ago and saw some of these, but they were made out of Styrofoam, and I can't say it was really the kind of quality I wanted, but it did give me a great idea!
Now you might not know this about us, but we don't have lights on the house... We wanted to, but it just wasn't on top of our budgeting priority list! This is where The Husband's grandparents come in. They have a house decorating party every year, so a couple days before that happened, we asked them to keep the old bulbs that didn't work anymore. Let's just say, we left with a bunch :)

What to do:
(pictures below directions!)
1. Use a foam brush to "paint" the Mod Podge onto the light-bulb.
2. Pour glitter all over the light-bulb.. And don't say I didn't warn you that it makes a HUGE mess! 
3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 with the second light-bulb.
4. Spray with some kind of sealer. (Optional) 
     I used Mod Podge Acrylic Sealer.. it kind of helped the glitter stay on :p
     I also cut squares in an old box to set the bulbs in so they would stand up straight.. 
5. Cut a piece of hemp rope (or ribbon), and use each end to tie a bow on each ornament, connecting them together. I stumbled across this version on Pinterest, she uses ribbon! :) 
6. Hang your ornament and admire it! 
And the most important step...


  1. This is so cute, so simple too! I love your tree with the big presents underneath! :D


  2. I'de like to place an order! :) I loved my ornaments. Check out my friday letters tomorrow. I posted a picture! Happy Friday eve sweet friend.

  3. 2 of my 2 favorite things glitter and mod podge. I did some homemade ornaments this year...I am loving jute this year for the ornament stringing. Love all that glitter, oh and your nails are all glittery. I wanted to stop by and say hi via a fellow co-host at MMI yesterday.

  4. LOVE these! I've seen the glitter ornaments on Pinterest, but I like these lights better!
    My problem: Where on earth do I find old bulbs? They're a rarity...

  5. These are SO adorable! I love the idea and they look so much better as an ornament :) I am your newest follower over from the giveaway on Lulu and Sweet Pea.


  6. those look so cute! hopefully I remember to try those next year! found you via the linkup, come say hi adayinthelifeofmektt.blogspot.com
