
Me, Myself, and I: December.. I'm Co-Hosting!

I've been participatin in the Me, Myself, and I link-up for the past few months, but this month is a little bit different! I actually get to co-host! I get to do this because I submitted a few questions, and one of my questions were chosen! I was just a little bit excited when I got the email informing me ;) My question is #5, and if you haven't joined this link-up before, I highly recommend it, it's a fun one! :)

1. What was your favorite gift given to you as a child?
I had these plastic horses... A LOT of them. They weren't tiny pocket size ones, but they weren't "Barbie" size either.. somewhere in between :p I'm sure my mom has a picture somewhere... They were a lot of fun :)

2. Christmas is almost here, what is that one Christmas song you could listen to on repeat?
There are two... The Glee version of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and "Winter Wonderland" :)

3. What are a few of the items on your Christmas list this year?
There really wasn't a lot that I wanted this year.. Just anything I could get to benefit Sea Shepherd, so the hints towards The Husband, led him in that direction ;)

4. Do you and your family have any special holiday traditions? Explain.
Not exactly, when you have divorced parents, it's usually pretty hard to have "traditions" per say,  but don't get me wrong, I highly enjoyed wherever I was on Christmas :)
Now though, being married, we're trying to start our own traditions.. We don't decorate for Christmas until after Thanksgiving. We've also decided to keep our gifts smaller, and not spend so much on each other.. There's just no reason to :p It's been hard to get traditions just because we have so many sides of the family to see, but one day when we have kids, I think that's when we'll really get started on our traditions :)
Yes.. we really call each other that :p

5. Which do you prefer: wrapping paper or gift bags? Why?
Definitely gift bags, they are so much easier! This year, however, I wrapped way more presents, just because they're easier to ship that way, rather than trying to fit bags into a box :p
It really felt like a post office around our house for awhile! 
One of the worst parts about living so far away from everyone :p


  1. New follower! I love all the Glee Christmas albums. <3

  2. Hi Tyler! Nice to meet you via the link up! :) I loooove the Glee Christmas albums too. I'm a new GFC follower!


  3. New follower! Nice to meet you. I loved reading all about you!


  4. I found you through the link-up! It was so fun! Loved reading your post. I'm a big fan of the Glee Christmas albums too. :)

  5. Traditions come a lot more naturally when kidlets come along. Before my son I wasn't much for them but now it's easier :)

  6. I had plastic horses too!! Like a full on collection of them. I totally forgot about that, lol! We also live far away from most of our relatives, and Glee's version of Baby It's Cold Outside is one of my absolute favorites! I secretly want to record our own version for fun - I'm so lame. Thanks for co-hosting with us this month! xo
